Benefits Of Prenatal Massage

The benefits of massage for fertility don’t stop once you’re pregnant. Studies show that prenatal massage has notable benefits for both mother and baby. The key is to find licensed practitioners specially trained to provide pregnancy massage.

Women with healthy, low-risk pregnancies can enjoy prenatal massages throughout their pregnancy - continuing through the third trimester. During your first appointment, we’ll take a detailed and thorough account of your reproductive and medical history to ensure massage is a safe next step for you. 

NOTE: Women who are bleeding, having early contractions, or experiencing a high-risk pregnancy (or have a history of high-risk pregnancies) should seek approval from their OB/GYN before scheduling a prenatal massage appointment.

5 Proven Benefits of Prenatal Massage For Mama & Baby

Many people think of massage as a “luxury” even though studies prove over and over again that massage benefits the body, mind, and spirit. Pregnant women are especially supported by the use of massage during pregnancy. 

The American Pregnancy Association (APA) emphasizes its support of pregnancy massages due to research-based findings demonstrating how massage promotes pregnancy health for the mother and her unborn child. Here are five ways prenatal massage can help you enjoy a healthier pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Hormone regulation

The combination of pregnancy hormones, which include the gearing up of lactation hormones, means your body is a regular hormone factory on fire. The massage techniques used for prenatal massages work to improve circulation and the movement of lymphatic fluid through your body. In doing so, these gentle massage techniques allow pregnant women to relax as the massage activates the production of hormones known to reduce stress while ridding the body of adrenaline or other “stress hormones” that can become blocked or stuck.

The APA writes that in multiple studies conducted in the past decade:

…women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks, hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol (hormones associated with stress) were reduced, and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression).

Since you and your baby share the same blood and hormone supply, your de-stressed, more relaxed, and hormone-balanced state benefits you both. During massage treatments, you can add services like Gua Sha to increase circulation or energize a stagnant lymph system.

Reduced pregnancy discomfort

Pregnancy is a time of great joy, but some women also experience significant discomfort. The combination of prenatal massage and personalized acupuncture can significantly reduce some of the most common pregnancy discomforts, including:

  • Morning sickness

  • Lower back aches (including sciatic pain)

  • Joint pain

  • Swelling (edema)

  • Muscle tension and headaches

Integrating pregnancy massages into your prenatal care routine may mean you experience very minimal to no pregnancy discomfort, making for a much more satisfying experience. 

Improved sleep 

There’s no mystery that sleep cycles are disrupted with the addition of a new baby. However, many first-time mothers are surprised to experience disrupted sleep cycles long before the baby is born. Hormone-related changes, along with the ever-expanding abdomen, mean most women begin waking up more than usual during their first trimester. 

Massage-related benefits of reduced stress, balanced hormones, and reduced physical discomforts mean most women who get regular prenatal messages report they sleep better than women who go without them. Don’t forget to mention any particular pregnancy issues you’re experiencing so your massage therapist can modify or augment the massage to activate certain pressure points.

Reduced nerve pain

The pressure of the growing baby can lead to pinched or triggered nerves. This can sometimes result in nerve pain or discomfort, such as sciatica (which can affect the lower back, hips, legs, and feet), restless legs, or generalized muscle tension or pain. Your prenatal massage allows you to relax, while specific prenatal massage techniques reduce nerve pressure and inflammation.

Improved labor & delivery outcomes

Clinical studies also show that women who have regular prenatal massages experience improved labor and delivery outcomes. This includes shorter labor, shorter hospital stays, and fewer incidences of post-partum depression. Equally inspiring is the data we have on babies whose mothers received pregnancy massages. 

According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), clinical trials “...indicate that infants born to mothers who had massage therapy had lower cortisol levels, better neonatal outcomes, and fewer incidences of low birth weight and prematurity.” 

What exciting and empowering news. Your prenatal massage is a proactive way to create a safer, healthier, and more peaceful future for your infant-to-be.

Schedule A Prenatal Massage With Mitchell Family Acupuncture

Mitchell Family Acupuncture’s specialty includes a personalized approach to pregnancy, postpartum, and pediatrics/family medicine that promotes well-being and vitality for all. We love to watch our pregnant clients blossom and grow while reaping the benefits of our personalized prenatal massage. Schedule your appointment today. 

Benefits Of Mayan Abdominal Massage & Uterine Massage

Mayan abdominal massages are focused on the abdomen and pelvic area, activating energy flow and circulation to the organs below.  This specific type of massage also helps to reposition and realign the uterus and reproductive organs displaced by pregnancy, labor/delivery, or an accident. Even a history of running on pavement causes enough repeat impact to stretch/strain ligaments and reposition pelvic organs.

Mayan abdominal massages (or uterine massages) support patients with reproductive and fertility issues, as well as patients who have trouble with pelvic prolapse and digestive issues, or who experience chronic abdominal/pelvic discomfort due to organs that have shifted out of place.

Overview Of Mayan Abdominal Massage

Mayan abdominal massage is a non-invasive technique brought to the United States by Rosita Arvigo, DN, after apprenticing with a well-known shaman, Don Elijo Panti, in Belize. While apprenticing for the better part of a decade with Don Elijo Panti, Arvigo saw how certain uterine massage techniques helped rebalance women’s reproductive health, especially those whose pelvic organs were shifted out of place after an accident or pregnancy. She named the technique in honor of the region and culture that originally used it.

How Does Mayan Abdominal Massage Work?

The uterus and main female reproductive organs are held in place by ligaments. During the course of pregnancy, labor and delivery, or as the result of a traumatic injury (hard fall on the sacrum, car accident, or blunt force trauma to the abdomen, etc.), these ligaments can become stretched or strained. If organs shift out of their natural placement, they can pinch nerves, prevent lymphatic fluid from draining properly, and stagnate circulation and energy flow. 

Uterine massage techniques, like Mayan abdominal massage, gently work to soothe inflamed tissues and realign a malpositioned uterus and organs. The combination of massage and pelvic floor and core exercises can strengthen internal muscles and tissues, restoring pelvic health and correcting pelvic organ prolapse.

The techniques focus on the area of the abdomen (the soft tissues between the lower rib cage and pubic bone, as well as the lower back and sacrum. In many cases, masseuses may also massage other body parts (head, neck, shoulders, feet, etc.) to support the holistic movement of blood and energy flow. However, the pelvis and uterine cavity is the area of focus.

One of the best things about abdominal massages is that, like moxibustion, we can teach you techniques to use at home. This exponentially increases its benefits since you’ll be able to have massages more often. Combining abdominal massages in a clinic and DIY massage at home is a full-circle way to maximize the benefits of uterine massage.

Because the abdominal cavity is soft when relaxed, we use different massage techniques for this area than those used where muscle and connective tissues have the support of bones underneath. So, unlike traditional Swedish or deep tissue massage techniques, which can rely on significant pressure, abdominal massage is a gentler but equally beneficial healing technique.

In most cases, we incorporate abdominal massage into a longer healing session, such as an acupressure massage or acupuncture session. This would be discussed with a client ahead of time, and a portion of the acupressure massage session would include a concentrated abdominal massage.

Who Benefits From Abdominal Massages?

We typically recommend abdominal massages for:

Women with irregular or troublesome menstrual cycles

Many of the most common reasons for irregular periods, severe PMS, or other troublesome side effects related to menstruation affect the abdomen. For some, this might be discomfort or bloating; for others, it can be severe cramping, heavy blood flow, and may include digestive complaints. 

Studies (2005 & 2013) show that experienced abdominal massages notably relieve period pain and cramping. Additionally, the 2013 study showed that women who had at least 10 minutes of daily Mayan abdominal massage with specific essential oils had less pain, and more regular menstrual flow, and their PMS discomfort lasted for a shorter duration than those in the placebo group that only used almond oil.

When working with women experiencing menstrual irregularities, we use abdominal massage techniques, honoring traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) tenets. Massage strokes stimulate known meridian points and pathways in and around the abdomen. This stimulates movement in blocked areas and restores balance. Depending on the patient’s symptoms, we choose massage movements that ignite warmth in stagnant areas and invite cooling relief in overly active areas. 

Patients trying to conceive (TTC)

We also integrate abdominal massage for patients using acupuncture for fertility. Massaging the abdomen has several positive effects on reproductive organs, including:

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Breaking up existing scar tissue that affects ovulation, conception, or implantation

  • Nourishing organs and egg follicles with fresh blood flow (oxygenation)

  • Realigning and invigorating the uterus and surrounding organs

  • Moving blocked energy (especially helpful for patients who’ve experienced sexual trauma)

Mayan abdominal massage is also relaxing. So, its ability to reduce stress levels also supports fertility health.

Patients with symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse

The shifting of organs during pregnancy, along with the physical rigors of labor, often causes a condition called pelvic organ prolapse. This means some or most of the reproductive organs shift out of position and begin collapsing into the pelvic floor. 

Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) include things like:

  • Incontinence

  • Changes in bowel habits 

  • Irregular periods (spotting in between)

  • Unusual pelvic or lower back discomfort

  • A feeling of fullness or bulging in the lower pelvis (because the organs may be pressing into the cervix)

  • Pain or discomfort during sex

We recommend women receive uterine massages during:

  • The first trimester of pregnancy

  • After their six-week postpartum checkup (for vaginal delivery) or after three months (C-section)

  • If cancer is suspected or diagnosed in the pelvic area (including during cancer treatment)

  • During menstrual bleeding (for women with severe PMS or period discomfort)

The combination of Mayan abdominal massage techniques and pelvic floor exercises can dramatically reduce symptoms.

Patients with abdominal discomfort or digestive issues after pregnancy, birth, or abdominal/lower back trauma

Abdominal massages are particularly beneficial for anyone who has trouble with digestion or suffers from chronic discomfort. This includes benefitting those who suffer from:

  • Constipation. A study conducted in 2016 showed that those who had regular abdominal massages (including being trained to perform self-administered massages) had fewer incidences of constipation and more healthy bowel movements than the control group. They also reported improved quality of life.

  • Digestion issues. Researchers found that patients who have chronic digestive upset found relief from 15 minutes of abdominal massage twice per day for three days. In addition, they took images of stomach fluids and found a reduction in irritating stomach acids and bloating.

  • Bloating. Similarly, daily abdominal massages also relieve abdominal bloating (most often the result of excess fluids in the abdominal cavity). During a 2015 study, those receiving regular abdominal massages also reported reduced levels of depression and anxiety while their sense of well-being improved.

Uterine Massage Techniques Should Be Customized To The Patient

There is no one-size-fits-all choreography for abdominal massage. Instead, we listen carefully to our patients’ symptoms and concerns in addition to reviewing their medical history. Different symptoms or health issues require a focus on varying acupressure or meridian points. Once we comprehensively understand your current situation and health goals, we customize treatment recommendations accordingly. 

Are you interested in learning more about whether you’re a good candidate for Mayan abdominal massage? Schedule an appointment with Mitchell Family Acupuncture. If it feels like uterine massages would benefit you, we’ll incorporate them into your treatment plan and teach you how to perform a massage at home to give your body what it needs to heal consistently.

Using Moxibustion To Treat Breech Presentation

According to the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ACOG), breech babies account for about 3% to 4% of all full-term pregnancies. Breech babies are positioned body first, rather than head first, in the weeks leading up to giving birth (36 weeks and beyond). Fortunately, moxibustion and acupuncture have high success rates in helping breech babies reposition head-first in the uterus.

There is no cause for concern if a baby is feet or bum first up to about 32 to 36 weeks or so. This is not uncommon, and most babies work with the uterus to turn into a head-down position during that window. However, at the 36-week point, your midwife or OB will begin to discuss methods for helping the baby to change positions to optimize chances for a natural, vaginal birth. 

Moxibustion: Turn A Breech Baby Naturally

One method, called external cephalic version (ECV) involves manually massaging the abdomen and manipulating the uterus in an effort to slowly move the baby’s head around and down. In addition to manually working with the baby and the abdomen, your OB or online research may lead you to explore the ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for breech babies: moxibustion and acupuncture

Both of these treatments work with meridians that activate the uterus, and the uterine movement helps the baby engage into the correct position. According to published medical studies, moxa successfully turns breech babies about 75% of the time when combined with postural exercises (more on that below).  Another reason mothers love moxa sessions is because they’re a guaranteed way to get the baby moving, and babies frequently respond to the energized uterus with kicks and push as they begin repositioning to increased uterine movement.

What Is Moxibustion?

Like acupuncture, moxibustion has been used for thousands of years to promote healthy energy flow and circulation along the body’s main meridians. While acupuncture uses thin, painless needles to stimulate particular pressure points, moxibustion (moxa) uses a combination of heat and herbs - typically mugwort - to warm particular acupressure points.

Acupuncturists typically introduce moxa for women with breech babies at the end of the second (around 28 weeks) and the beginning of the third trimesters. However, we also accept first-time patients in their third trimester who use moxibustion and/or acupuncture to turn their breech babies. It is completely safe and backed by thousands of years of research by both Eastern and Western healers and physicians.

How Does Moxa Treat Breech Presentation?

If your baby presents in a breech position, we’ll immediately recommend moxa. The good news for mothers-to-be is that - in addition to being effective - a moxa session provides added benefits, including complete relaxation and a chance to restore and rejuvenate. You also have the opportunity to explore other pregnancy-supportive treatments, such as acupuncture and acupressure massages - both of which support getting the baby into a prime birthing position.

During the moxa session, we’ll heat mugwort bundles or sticks and orient them at specific points along the meridian pathway. In the case of a breech baby, we concentrate on a specific point on the bladder meridian - BL 67 - which activates the uterus. Once we’ve shown you how to do it, we provide moxa sticks for mothers to use at home to continue promoting the natural repositioning of the baby.

Risks Of Using Moxibustion To Turn Breech Babies

No physical or prenatal risks are related to using moxa treatments to turn a breech baby. Women polled after studies are most likely to report minimal risks or discomforts, like:

  • Not liking the smell of the smoking moxa sticks

  • Some abdominal discomfort from the activated uterus and moving baby

  • Mild nausea

  • Heart palpitations (non-threatening)

Benefits Of Using Moxibustion For Breech Presentation

In addition to helping breech babies turn around, cites a range of other benefits for women whose moxa treatments were successful, including:

  • Increased comfort by avoiding repeat ECV manipulations

  • Significant reduction in the use of oxytocin to stimulate labor 

  • Reduced risk of C-section

DIY Moxa To Turn Breech Baby At Home

BL 67 is located on the side of the pinky toe, just near the lower-outer corner of the pinky toenail. Once you’ve seen how we use moxa in our clinic, you can replicate moxa sessions at home. Optimally, you’d use moxa to turn a breech baby no later than 33 to 34 weeks, but it still has success rates for women who begin breech moxa treatments after that.

Benefits of doing moxa at home

Learning how to do moxa treatments at home means the opportunity to:

  • Give the baby more chances since it can be done up to 10 times per day for up to two weeks.

  • Take some quiet time to yourself (10 to 15 minutes at a time), breathing deep and envisioning your baby turning around to be head-down in the uterus.

  • Know you’re doing everything you can to support the baby’s healthy birth position.

  • Save money on professional treatments as you prepare for your maternity leave.

How to do moxa at home

It’s best to use moxa treatments on both UL 67 points at the same time whenever possible. If your partner, friend, or family member cannot help you, it’s easy to do moxa on your own.

Read The University Midwifery Associate’s instructions on Moxibustion For Turning a Breech Baby. Then, when a partner is available, we recommend taking advantage of the ability to lay down on your back, toes facing upwards, so they can hold the moxa sticks at the correct points, and you can relax your body, mind, and spirit.

Combine moxa with postural exercises for best results

The best moxa results (that 75% we mentioned above) occur when mothers use a combination of moxa treatments and postural exercises that shift the baby’s position. Read How to Turn a Breech Baby for examples, and then discuss them with your midwife or OB before trying them at home.

Schedule Moxibustion To Treat Breech Presentation At Mitchell Family Acupuncture

Mitchell Family Acupuncture specializes in acupuncture for fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, and wellness for women and men. We have years of experience using moxibustion to treat breech presentation, and we’d love to help you and your baby get ready for a healthy labor and delivery. Contact us to learn more about moxa, acupuncture, and other fertility-friendly treatments to support your well-being in this last stage of pregnancy.

What Can Gua Sha Help With?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has multiple foundations; two of the most important are the essential need for balance and flow when it comes to well-being. Gua sha, a TCM healing modality standard, is practiced regularly in acupuncture clinics around the world.

Many of our patients have never heard of gua sha before and wonder what gua sha helps with. As with many of our services, the answer is “so many things!” Today, however, we want to introduce you to the concept and tell you more about the benefits of this ancient healing practice.

What Is Gua Sha?

The direct translation of the Chinese words gua and sha are “scraping” and “sand.” Some translate it as “scraping sand” due to the light, sand-like bruising that appears on a patient’s skin after the practitioner finishes. Others translate it as “scraping petechia” because petechia refers to the red, small spotted bruising. Still, others cut right to the chase and say it translates as “scraping away meridian stagnation.” While the latter may not be linguistically accurate, it best describes the process. 

During a gua sha session, patients lay on the table as if for a massage, and we rub a soothing massage oil onto their skin. Then, we use a thin-edged scraping tool, often made of stone, to scrape along the skin's surface and stimulate circulation in the outer muscle layers as well as the multiple layers of skin and fat tissue.

How Does Gua Sha Help?

As with acupuncture, moxibustion, and many other TCM healing techniques, gua sha’s primary goal is to release stagnancy and increase the flow of “chi” or life force in a person’s body. And, because the TCM model sees the mind-body-spirit as one, any increase in flow and balance in the body also benefits emotional well-being.

And, for anyone doubting the efficacy and scientific basis for gua sha, we invite you to read many Western medical information hubs, like Cleaveland Clinic, that support gua sha treatment. In fact, Cleveland Clinic reminds readers that the Western physical therapy world adopts similar practices (called the Graston Technique) to soothe injured muscles, promote muscle relaxation, and reduce scar tissue.

Gua Sha supports health and well-being in multiple ways

Our gua sha sessions support patients in several ways:

Increase circulation 

As you know from your basic life science classes, circulation has multiple purposes. Some of the most critical roles circulation plays are bringing essential things to the cells and removing toxins and dead cell material. Conversely, stagnant circulation means a decrease in oxygenation and an inability for the body to receive the nutrients it needs or shed the toxins it doesn’t. 

Move stagnant lymphatic fluid

Even in this “modern, 21st-century” era of medicine, physicians and scientists are still a bit miffed by the lymph system. We have general information about lymph nodes, and the lymph tracts (closely related to TCM’s meridians), but much of the lymph system function remains a mystery. We know that sluggish lymph drainage has negative impacts on the body, including lack of energy, inflammation, and more frequent illness. Gua sha stimulates lymph movement that helps rebalance the immune system response.

Stimulate the flow of Chi

Chi, or life force, is the subtle energy that makes us more than just a physical body. It flows with the breath, in the blood, with every beat of your heart, and in synchronization with nature. When your physical body is stagnant, the energy field is equally stagnant. Stimulating and freeing up stagnancy in the circulation system and throughout the body’s tissues allows chi to flow more seamlessly again.

Release, release, release

We work daily, using TCM for a variety of patients, with an emphasis placed on acupuncture for fertility and women’s overall health. We’ve seen over and over how gua sha and other stimulating healing modalities help women release the stagnant energy, emotion, trauma, and stories keeping them from having the full, heart-centered life they are meant to live. The process of stimulating flow and detoxing the body means the body gets to release all of the things its been storing unnecessarily.

Benefits of Gua Sha for Body, Mind, and Spirit

All of the above present the benefits of gua sha in a very general sense. Now, let’s dive deeper into the specifics of gua sha healing and its benefits for the body, mind, and spirit.

Reduced inflammation

Inflammation is both a root cause and a direct result of infections, disease, and poor health. It’s also 100% related to a patient's diet, which is why a first acupuncture or TCM appointment always includes a detailed review of diet and lifestyle choices.

Tissue and circulation stimulation from gua sha reduces inflammation, which positively impacts just about every aspect of physical health.

Improved reproductive health

It’s long proven that acupuncture and TCM modalities positively affect reproductive health and the uterus. Women who suffer from severe PMS find relief from gua sha treatments. Women in multiple studies reported improvements in common PMS symptoms or ailments, including:

  • More regular periods (which means more ovulation)

  • Fewer headaches/migraines

  • Improved energy levels

  • Reduced hot flashes

While we recommend gua sha for all patients interested in acupuncture for fertility, it’s an automatic treatment offering for those with PCOS or endometriosis. Both are leading causes of female infertility, and both often result in irregular periods and PMS symptoms relieved by gua sha.

Breast engorgement

It’s not uncommon for new mothers to experience breast engorgement during the first few postpartum weeks. Although it normally resolves on its own, engorged breasts cause latching issues and put women at risk for mastitis, both of which complicate breastfeeding. Gua sha reduces breast engorgement and supports postpartum restoration and comfort. 

While you’re seeing us for postpartum treatments, we’re also happy to share nutritional supplements and whole-food diets that support postpartum recovery and breastfeeding.

Migraines and neck pain

It makes perfect sense that a healing treatment supports flow and stagnation, relieves inflammation, also relieves migraine headaches and neck pain. Similarly, it helps patients with chronic sinus pain. Once circulation and energy flow are restored, all of the stuck and blocked energy and inflammation leading to headaches and neck/back pain is moved out of the body.

Schedule An Appointment to Discuss How TCM & Gua Sha Can Help You

Would you like to learn more about how restoring energy flow and balance in the body can support your overall well-being? Schedule your first appointment with Mitchell Family Acupuncture. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about gua sha and would only suggest it if it feels like the right fit for your experience. Our incredible team of heart-centered practitioners get to know every one of our patients and their needs, customizing treatment plans accordingly.