New Patients
Welcome to Mitchell Family Acupuncture!
A new patient consultation consists of a complete health history and a thorough review of your present condition. Your appointment will be approximately one and a half hours. We will review information about your diet, exercise, lifestyle and stress level, as well as information regarding your sleep and daily routines. Your pulse will be taken on your radial artery and your tongue examined, two of Chinese Medicine's primary diagnostic tools.
We will then determine your diagnosis, the treatment strategy best suited for your condition and a treatment plan. You will receive an acupuncture treatment on your first visit and diet and lifestyle recommendations will be given. On the second visit herbal medicines will be recommended if needed.
It can take up to four weeks to be scheduled for your new patient appointment at our clinic in Berkeley. If you are needing to be seen sooner for an acute issue, are undergoing fertility treatments, have a pregnancy related health issue or are in pain please call our office and we will do our best to see you as soon as possible!
Your first visit
Fill out your Health History in our online portal
Bring any relevant test results
Bring any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking
Payment is due in full at the time services are rendered. Our office accepts cash, checks, all credit cards, HSA (Health Savings Account) cards and FSA (Flexible Spending Account) cards.
Our office does not bill insurance directly. You may call your insurance company to inquire if acupuncture services are covered under your policy. Upon request a Superbill will be provided. A Superbill is a receipt that you may submit directly to your insurance company to seek reimbursement for payments made. Please let us know when you arrive for your appointment if you would like a Superbill that day.
Your patient records and patient information will be kept confidential and shared only when necessary to provide care and services, or by your authorization, or when required or permitted by law. Our office is HIPAA compliant. For questions regarding privacy policies please call 510.558.0117.
Missed Appointment Policy
If you need to change or cancel your appointment please do so with 24 hours notice. Failure to do so will result in being charged the full fee for your appointment.
Before and After Treatment
When you brush your teeth, please do not brush your tongue
The color and texture of the tongue coating are important diagnostic tools in our team’s diagnostic process. Please avoid brushing your tongue for at least 24 hours before each visit. If you habitually brush your tongue to prevent bad breath, discuss this with your acupuncturist. Persistent bad breath may be a sign of stomach imbalance, and is important for your acupuncturist to know.
Eat before your appointment
Have a little food in your belly when you arrive for your treatments. You do not need to have just eaten a meal but do not come on an empty stomach.
Relax for a few minutes after your treatments
Some patients feel a sense of euphoria after receiving acupuncture. If you feel spacey please sit quietly for a few minutes until you feel normal. Sip some warm water and take a stroll in the neighborhood.
In the hours after your treatments
Your body is going through a physiological re-balancing process. To maximize the effect of your treatments avoid exercise that induces sweating, hot tubs, over-eating, and drugs or alcohol for several hours before and after treatment. Drink fluids including water, bone broth, warm teas and soups. Allow yourself more rest.
Are you sick?
If yes, please come to your appointment. Our team can take care of you!
About Herbal Medicines
Some herbal formulas may not be appropriate to take if you are catching a cold
If you feel you are catching a cold, call the clinic to discuss your symptoms and find out if it is appropriate to continue taking your current formula.
If you have difficulty adjusting to the taste of your herbs
You are welcome to take your herbs in hot water and dilute them if the taste is strong. You may clear the palette with a few raisins, a date or fig after drinking your herbs. Please do not mix the herbs with juice, honey, or any other sweetener, as this can compromise their efficacy.
If you experience gastrointestinal upset or new symptoms while taking herbs
Notify your acupuncturist. A little queasiness is not unusual when first getting used to the taste of herbs, but new symptoms may require modification of your formula.
New Patients
// New Patient Consultation & Treatment – $256
// Acupuncture Treatments – $156
TeleMedicine & More
// Phone Consultation - $156
// Herbal Consultation – $156
// Herbal Formulas – $30-$65 / week based on needs
// Massage 1 hour – $130
// Massage 90 minutes – $175
Cupping & Herbal Medicines
// Cupping – $50 added to any treatment
// Herbal Formulas – $30-$65 / week based on needs
Home Visits
// Acupuncture Home Visit – $275
// Home Visit with Travel - $380
//Postpartum Home Visit Package (3 visits) – $750
//On-Site Pre & Post Embryo Transfer Treatment – $380
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Our Pharmacy
Order your supplements directly though us and receive 10% off